Lots of life sciences businesses beat themselves up about their social media efforts. But the thing is, social media is just that - a medium. A channel or vehicle that should be deliberately assessed for its relevance to a marketing strategy and selected accordingly. It’s a tactic, not the whole strategy.

Plus, each social medium is different, requiring it’s own approach dependent on its features and opportunities and, more importantly, depending on its relationship with the target customers you want to attract.

There is a tremendous opportunity to build online rapport with new people and to build your reputation in the field - but it needs focus, a concentration of effort and a system for consistent execution.

We show you how to:

Identify the role of Social Media in your marketing strategy

Make the most of relevant Social Media platforms

Create a system for consistent implementation

Social Media in Marketing

75% of buying decision-makers in business (the sort of people you are looking to target) report that they use LinkedIn at some stage in the process of choosing a new way of doing things or researching suppliers. This includes decision-makers in technology and science sectors.

This presents a great opportunity to engage - but only if you do it right.

That’s because social media features very early on in the online relationship and this needs to be respected; one needs to build rapport and demonstrate value in the potential relationship first. We show you how to select the most relevant social media platform(s) that will serve your marketing strategy and create a implementation plan for it

Aligning to the Platform

Each social media platform was created to achieve something specific and something different from the other platforms. The features and algorithms are deliberately derived from this mission. This means each social media platform needs to be treated in its own right with a specific approach that aligns to the platform’s values.

Furthermore, advances in technology continues to enable each social platform to get more and more sophisticated with realising their mission. This means it is no longer possible to get quick wins on any of these platforms. Instead, they demand long term commitment, consistency and contribution. In other words, it requires work and time and that is why it’s so important to make deliberate decisions about how social media marketing will contribute to your strategy.

Systems for Implementation

Once the role of a social media platform in the marketing strategy has been actively decided and the correct approach bespoke to the individual platform established, it’s all about consistent implementation and maximising engagement.

But social media is only one small part of the business so systems for efficient, disciplined implementation that minimise daily thinking but continue to build engagement can be incredibly helpful to ensure you are creating the momentum you need in less that one hour a day.