In our industry we will always need technical, credible company representatives to engage potential customers, work out ways of working and demonstrate products or services.
But imagine what it could do for their relationship building and the sales process if they were engaging with potential customers who already knew about your organisation. Imagine if they had already got value from engaging with your organisation online and considered you a thought leader in the field…
…and imagine if there were simply more of them.
Marketing Should Generate Leads
The best marketing strategies go beyond raising awareness and actively generate leads for the sales team or technical experts. With online marketing, there is a tremendous opportunity to create digital mechanisms that capture interest, enabling you to engage much earlier in the process with hundreds of people you have never met before - gently nurturing them and adding value to their day with useful insights that are relevant to their circumstances.
This is one of the biggest missed tricks among SMEs and start-ups and it no longer needs a big budget or technical capability.
We show you how to:
Create an online lead generation strategy that aligns with the customer
Utilise off-the-shelf tools to create lead generation mechanisms
Nurture interest over time with professional email marketing
Professional Email Marketing
Nobody likes sales emails… when they are not ready to be sold to.
Email marketing is only effective when it respects this fundamental truth.
People do like emails, however, when they are helpful to the specific situation they are in and relevant to the specific thoughts they are having. And for the organisations that get this right, email becomes the most cost-effective, predictable and controllable element of a marketing strategy.
An email list that is built through authentic engagement with relevant, like-minded people and delivers valuable insights to them is probably the most sustainable asset and forward-thinking investment you can make for your business in the long term. You’re building your business on your own internal data - not someone else’s algorithm. And the best bit? It is never, ever too early to start.
We’ll show you all the technical components you need to capture interest and nurture this via email and how to access these capabilities with low-cost (including free) off-the-shelf solutions.